Portsmouth Cycle Forum

Portsmouth Cycle Forum

Portsmouth Cycle Forum is a group for anyone who cycles, or wants to cycle, in and around Portsmouth UK.

How do cyclists, pedestrians and the disabled get around road works?

How do cyclists, pedestrians and the disabled get around road works?

How do cyclists, pedestrians and the disabled get around road works? With quite a lot of difficulty in Portsmouth, but there is hope that this may change.

We have attended a meeting with Colas (the city’s roads contractor) to look at the issues and try to find a way forward so that the needs of cyclists and other vulnerable groups are taken into consideration.

Currently you wouldn’t be blamed for not realising that the Government’s new manual for streets emphasises the importance of making travel for pedestrians, cyclists and the disabled as easy and problem free as possible. The blocking of cycle lanes, cycle paths and footpaths by signs and ‘footpath/cycleway closed’ signs and traffic signs that are directed at vehicles is common practice.

One of the first actions agreed at this meeting was that we would encourage our members to report ‘bad practice’ to the city help desk whenever they came across it so that Colas would be aware of it and so be given the chance to rectify it and learn from it. So if you are inconvenienced or put in danger by some badly and inconsiderately placed barriers, signs or cones please help. Contact the help desk on 023 9283 4869 cityhelpdesk@portsmouthcc.gov.uk