Portsmouth Cycle Forum

Portsmouth Cycle Forum

Portsmouth Cycle Forum is a group for anyone who cycles, or wants to cycle, in and around Portsmouth UK.

John Holland Memorial Day

John Holland Memorial Day

John Holland Memorial Day: Saturday 29th June 2019

Anyone who knew John knows that he was involved with numerous projects in and around Portsmouth. To celebrate his life, his contributions to the people of our city, and to express how fond of John his many friends were, a group of them have come together to organise a day of remembrance in his honour on the afternoon and evening of 29th June 2019.

If you want to join us in celebrating and remembering John and the wonderful legacy he has left us, you are most welcome to dip in and out through the day, or follow events from start to finish. Please read on for advance details of the events, booking requirements, fundraising activities, and loads of cake! (More info will follow nearer the day.)

Stacey Centre Community Orchard (with Mens’ Shed and The Community Cycle Centre)

o Tree planting and dedication
o Arrive from 2pm for 2.30pm dedication
o Stacey Centre, Walsall Road, Copnor, PO3 6DN
o No need to book

Bike ride and cake stop – led by Portsmouth Cycle Forum

o Leisurely ride from Stacey Centre to No.6 Cinema with cake stop
o Arrive 3pm for 3.30pm departure
o Courtyard Café (at Southsea Castle, for around 4.15pm)
o Arrive at No.6 cinema for around 6pm. Secure bicycle parking.
o Booking essential: Go to Eventbrite.com and search “John Holland Memorial Bike Ride”

No6 Cinema, 6 PM:

o Tea and Cake,
o Unveiling of a memorial plaque and,
o Screening of Moonrise Kingdom (12A), one of John’s favourite films.
o Tickets: £10 each (incl. tea and cake) only available online at www.no6cinema.co.uk/.
o All profits will be divided between the Rowans Hospice and the Lymphoma Research Trust.