Portsmouth Cycle Forum

Portsmouth Cycle Forum

Portsmouth Cycle Forum is a group for anyone who cycles, or wants to cycle, in and around Portsmouth UK.

Portsmouth Cycling Manifesto Launched at Bike Week 2011

Portsmouth Cycling Manifesto Launched at Bike Week 2011

With the start of the UK’s largest mass cycling participation event, Team Great Britain Bike Week 2011, Portsmouth Cycle Forum has launched its Cycling Manifesto.

The Forum seeks cross party support to improve the patchy cycle route network so that safer everyday cycling is for all ages in Portsmouth who want to beat the traffic, save money, stay in shape, explore and have fun. It will gather the responses received from councillors and others and the findings will be announced in August. You can view the manifesto by selecting the link below.

Portsmouth Cycle Forum members will be present at most Bike Week events starting on Saturday 18th June.  The group hosts regular rides, open meetings and get-togethers. It also runs successful Bike recycling and Dr Bike sessions at the Stacey Centre, Walsall Road, Copnor PO3 6DN.

Victoria Pendleton, EDF Energy ambassador and World and Olympic champion cyclist is backing Bike Week. She said: “I would encourage everyone to cycle to the shops, school or for leisure, instead of taking the car. It can help you get fit, save money on fuel and reduce your carbon footprint all at the same time.”

For more information on Bike Week 2011 see bikeweek.org.uk.