Portsmouth Cycle Forum

Portsmouth Cycle Forum

Portsmouth Cycle Forum is a group for anyone who cycles, or wants to cycle, in and around Portsmouth UK.

Cosham One-Way System

We are very excited to announce that our push for cyclists to be allowed to ride both ways in the new one-way system in Cosham seems to have been effective. This week Portsmouth City Council issued a Traffic Regulation Order for the changes and it specifically allows cyclists to travel in both directions! Before we pat ourselves on the back too much though let’s remember that the TRO still needs to be approved by councillors. To try to make sure that happens it would help if lots of us responded wrote to PCC in support of the TRO.

The instructions on how to do that are in the document which is linked below.  Although PCC have distributed the TRO by email it has yet to appear on their own website.

TRO 16 Cosham High Street