Portsmouth Cycle Forum

Portsmouth Cycle Forum

Portsmouth Cycle Forum is a group for anyone who cycles, or wants to cycle, in and around Portsmouth UK.

Post-election manifesto support

Following last yesterday’s elections how do the newly elected Councillors appear to stand on cycling?  We asked all candidates before the election to support our cycling manifesto, and many did.  How many of these bike-friendly candidates got themselves elected?

 Here’s our initial breakdown:

Ward Councillor Party PCF Support?
Baffins Steve Hastings  UK Independence Party Yes
Central Southsea Lee John Hunt  Liberal Democrat Yes
Charles Dickens Paul David Godier  UK Independence Party Partially
Copnor Alicia Ruth Denny  UK Independence Party No
Cosham Hannah Hockaday  Conservative Yes
Drayton & Farlington Simon John Bosher  Conservative No
Eastney & Craneswater Luke Edmund Stubbs  Conservative No
Fratton Julie Elizabeth Swan  UK Independence Party No
Hilsea Frank Edward Jonas  Conservative Yes
Milton Ben Dowling  Liberal Democrat Yes
Nelson Colin Galloway  UK Independence Party No
Paulsgrove Stuart Potter  UK Independence Party No
St Jude Linda Rae Symes  Conservative No
St Thomas Rob Wood  Liberal Democrat No

So, the initial analysis is that of 14 newly elected councillors, 5 supported our manifesto for cycling, 1 partially did and 8 did not respond.  Bright spots are Hannah Hockaday (Con) in Cosham and Lee Hunt (Lib Dem) in Central Southsea who both gave us long and thoughtful responses.  Cllr Jonas in Hilsea telephoned us and expressed some very encouraging views too.  Of the new UKIP councillors Stephen Hastings was the most supportive, being himself a regular cyclist.